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The invigorating scents of orange, eucalyptus, patchouli and ylang ylang.


Compare this scent to Shampure by Aveda. South Street Soapworks and their supplier are not affiliated with Aveda. 

These shampoo bars do not strip the natural oils from your hair like commercial detergent shampoos do.


  • Ingredients: Saponified olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, shea butter and castor oil, essential oil and fragrance.

    Minimum weight: 4.5oz

  • To use the shampoo bar: lather it up in your hands then apply to hair working and massaging throughout. Then rinse. Wash away all of the extra oils your hair does not need. Some like to follow up with a natural rinse of apple cider vinegar and water (1:3). This will help detangle, close up the hair follicle and leave your hair silky smooth.

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